Author(s): B. Nkabinde, L.M Lekhanya, N. Dorasamy
Urban areas in developing economies are facing challenges related urbanization and rural-urban migration patterns and urban planning, there is overcrowding in cites and a rise in informal settlements in cities coupled with poor structural planning and no proper planning in cities. urban areas in KwaZulu-Natal are facing same challenges with the rise on service delivery demand, while on the other hand there have been economic contributions from rural entrepreneurs who establish small to medium size business in cities which end up creating employment opportunities for them and others. This stands to show that the rural to urban migration patterns can either make or break the local economic development in African cities. hence, there is a need to harness the benefits for sustainable development and economic growth The study adopts a quantitative approach with the sample comprising 350 respondents, purposively selected through non-probability sampling, and required to complete a 5-point Likert scale questionnaire. The researcher assisted in terms of questionnaire administration. The completed questionnaire provided the quantitative data for statistical analysis, using SPSS version 28.0. Study findings indicate that, among other factors, a strong significance exists regarding increased crime levels in urban areas because of rural-urban migration patterns, with suggestions that include more money needs to be prioritized from government for policing and crime in cities such as eThekwini Municipality. Since there are more informal settlements because of rural-urban migration, it is also shown as necessary to create network infrastructure in rural areas to improve communication for those working from home. need for improved urban planning to enhance service delivery, the study investigated the challenges in migration patterns and their influence on service delivery, as well as examining the extent to which rural-urban migration can be used to deal with the current state of service delivery. In addition, the study determined the role of rural- urban migration in the overpopulation of urban areas.